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something that I can't say someones ever told me and meant it.

Jim: "I love you"

Mikayla: " You're a fuckboy, shut the hell up"

by ItsMikaylaFromLonelyLodge November 16, 2018

24๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


No matter how hard you try to describe it in words, it's never close to those feelings that portray to whom you gaze into the eyes of. Basically, love itself is indescribable, you can try your best to go into depth, but it will never compare to all those images on the projector screen that plays on repeat inside your head, or the smallest of things that make you smile. There's too many reasons to be able to try and explain it spot on, it's like trying to define life itself, it's just way too much, if not impossible.

Person 1: "Dude why do you keep smiling when looking in that particular area?"

Person 2: "Because I think I just saw the love of my life flash before my eyes."

by ItsNathanMajor September 6, 2017

21๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a man loves a woman cant keep his mind on nothin else. He'd trade the world for a good thing hes found. If she is bad, he cant see it. She can do no wrong. Turn his back on his best friend if he puts her down

When a man loves a woman spend his very last dime trying to hold on to what he needs. Hed give up all his comforts and sleep out in the rain if she said thats the way it ought to be.

When a man loves a woman deep down in his soul she can bring him such misery. If she is playing him for a fool hes the last one to know. Loving eyes can never see.

the writer of this song obviously loved someone when he wrote it....;)love

by gytyrgyd August 3, 2006

19๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


Love is an idea people have...people use the idea of love to comfort themselves, a way of feeling accepted and probably avoiding lonliness. True love doesn't exist, because true love is the closest thing to perfection and frankly that doesn't exist. You need proof? Just look around you. Love is also something that men and women use as an excuse to get married and have children but in the end, there is usually unhappiness. Love is an idea that makes people very vulnerable and they loose focus on what they really want from life. They are prepared to make SACRIFICES for the person they love just to have it all thrown back in their faces a few years down the line.

I love you so much, I can't live without you

by Sunshine March 22, 2005

42๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


love is when there all you think about. you cant get them off your mind. thinking about them, seeing them, hearing there voice gives you butterflys in your stomach.love is when you don't see any other man/woman but them. love is the best and worst feeling in the world. love is what everyone longs for but not everyone finds. love is not always reciprocated and this can be the worst feeling in the world but when it is reciprocated you feel on top of the world.love is willing to give your life for them. love is overlooking there flaws because theres so much more about them that you like. love is perfection. love is the reason people live and the reason people die.

i love you and i never want to lose you.

by Rhi</3 September 20, 2007

7๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. hating someone, but still wanting to spend the rest of your life with them because they're the only person in the world who can make you smile in that certain way

2. despite common misconception, hate is not the opposite of love. hate is in fact very closely related. you can only hate those who are close to your heart. lust is the antonym of love.

"I hate him so much!"-Girl
"Why are you marrying him then?"-Friend
"Cause I love him. Duh."-Girl

by Kayton January 10, 2008

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In love

It's so easy to talk to him, just everything he does is so amazing. I admire him so much, he's been through hell yet he's still there for everyone he cares about. He can make you laugh no matter how mad or upset you are. He's always there when you need him, always making you laugh by saying the dumbest things and asking the stupidest questions. You get butterflies every time he texts you. Just his smile alone is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Everything about him is just amazing, he's so easy to talk to. So easy to fall in love with. I'm so absolutely in love with everything he does, the way the calls the stupidest thing " sex" instead of sexy, the way that he adds some stupid random emoji after a sentence. The way that he calls me Sox. I get butterflies just thinking about his name, I can't help but smile when somebody says it. I'd do anything for him. Absolutely anything. I'd sacrifice the entire world just for him to be happy just for a moment. I wouldn't give one single second that I have with him to save the world, but I'd give the world just for a second with him. He means everything to me. I've never felt this way about anyone before and to be honest this feeling scares the crap out of me. But I wouldn't change it for the world. I'd fight heaven in hell for this one boy. I'd give anything and everything for this one boy. I'd die for him, I'd kill for him, I'd live for him. I am so beyond in love with him. He's what it feels like to be home.

I'm in love with him

by Ange <3 June 12, 2021

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