Source Code

trans rights

trans rights are human rights and honestly if you dont believe that get out. they cant control it and its not something you just choose thank you good night.

" wow trans people are nasty. "
" do you want human rights?"
"then support trans rights. shut the fuck up."

by the sidekick for a ruler October 18, 2019

246๐Ÿ‘ 635๐Ÿ‘Ž

Right in the feels

Something that someone states that is obvious and true but it yet hurts you.

It's not always offensive.

"This push-up bra doesn't do much"

"You need boobs for it to work"

"Ouch. That was right in the feels. "

"She didn't even invite me!"
"You do realise she doesn't even like you right."

"right in the feels man... right in the feels..."

by Aisha<3 April 19, 2016

36๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit right

A combination of "shit-yeah" and "damn-right." usually reffering to total concurrence with a presented plan or idea.

Guy one: "Dude, I'm hungry, let's order some pizza and get some hoes over here."
Guy two: "shit-right!!"

by Pdiddy November 27, 2003

12๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Right Privilege

A degenerative condition that causes Liberals to be incapable of being wrong, even when presented with facts to back up the subject in question. Also can manifest itself when a viewpoint that differs from that of the Liberal that suffers from said condition is brought up. Usually the conversation ends with the Liberal throwing out various emotionally charged epithets, such as saying you are a racist, bigot, etc.

Even though I cited my sources in our conversation, that Liberal suffered from Right Privilege and could not be reasoned with.

by CHHeiderscheit November 10, 2016

11๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

You right

A term inferring that a person is correct in a matter of your opinion. Referring to the term "you are right" or "you are correct".

Bubba: Hey boys ya'll wanna go fishin today at Ellie Mae's pond
Boys: You right!

by John Wackets March 27, 2004

19๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nah right?

No huh? Or, You can't do that for me right?

Nah Right? started out being used as it is above. Now, it has grown into a global phenomenon and is widely used in the media and poupular culture.

Person 1: "Do you think you can pick me up from school later tonight?

Person 2: "I don't think I can."

Person 1: Nah Right?

by skaybn January 27, 2004

9๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gay Rights

Gay Rights are essential in my religion of Randogalphianism. We Randogalphians believe that people are born gay and choose to be straight. We believe that straight people can ultimately choose the correct path of homosexuality as Randogal willed it. Straight marriage should be illegal, and gay marriage should be mandatory.

The Book of Randogal 14:12 And the Lord Randogal said unto them, "Ye shall hold only lovers of thy same sex, and grant all the people gay rights. And ye shall condemn those who do not obey." And there was much rejoicing.

by Maurice the Puppy Man December 4, 2006

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