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kill shade

Generally an African American dominated area of a community where a lot of crimes happen, mostly murders.

(Kill)=murders (shade)= a darkened out area, in this case a black community

"Ey we finna head down to the 7/11 or what?"

"Nigga you crazy, that's right in the kill shade! You'll be starin down the barrel of a choppa in two minutes!“

by Korbin the iceman November 19, 2013

wife a kill

Somebody who just wanted the kill (to fuck) and ended up dating the person. Their intentions were just to fuck and go but they felt attached and then wifed them.

"Yo did you here about peter and ashley"
"Their dating now"
"I thought she was just a kill"
"Ew he wife a kill"

by rebeccaregrets April 21, 2020

Kill the fridge

To eat a lot at home while being stoned.

Dude I'm pretty stoned right when I get home later I'm going to kill the Fridge

by stupidmuda November 9, 2009

kill the moon

To create an episode of a television show or film in a franchise that is SO BAD that it not only damages the reputation of the series itself, and the reputations of all involved in making it, but it even damages the genre that the show was created in. Think 'jump the shark' or 'nuke the fridge' but x10: this is the ultimate nadir for creative artworks. The term derives from a ludicrous episode of the long-running science-fiction series 'Doctor Who' called 'Kill The Moon' (broadcast October 4, 2014) in which Earth's Moon turned out to be a giant dragon's egg that hatched and was then immediately replaced by another Moon: presenting a completely unbelievable version of science, this episode is considered by many to be the worst science fiction programme ever screened in the history of television. Past tense: killed the moon.

Joe: Hey, what did you think of the new Star Wars film 'The Last Jedi'?
Mike: O-M-G, that film was so bad - it sure did kill the moon!

by The Gazebo of Rassilon January 21, 2018

killing the clock

Working overtime

I be killing the clock, and getting paid!

by Hizzyboo January 19, 2018

kill workout

it is where you take the number of kills in a game that you made and do that many push-ups and sit-ups. And for each you had that is another set that you have to do.

hey, mom stop nagging me to stop gaming and go work out, i will just do a kill workout.

by TheAlmightyGodOfHalo January 2, 2014

Kill stealer

A guy or group of people that will wait to you engage a enemy and when the enemies health points are low will kill the enemy with as little as 1 shot or hit and steal your kill and hard work

"DAMN! I almost killed that guy "
"That kill should have been mine"
"Fucking kill stealers HONZA!!"

by Kill hater June 22, 2019