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Lo Que Sea

I know how to say it, but I'm not exactly sure how to spell it. I'm pretty sure that's correct. Now to the meaning: Lo que sea means "Whatever." You can use it in a variety of ways.

1. "Boricua,cubano,negro! Lo que sea, ya tu sabes!" Pitbull (rapper) is saying, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Blacks, whatever, you know! (From the song What You Gon' Do (Latino Remix))

2. Girl: Que quieres hacer? What do you want to do)
Boy: lo que sea...
Because we know guys don't really care.

3. Girl 1: Tu mamas en vida! (You suck at life)
Girl 2: Lo que sea pendeja! pendejo

by Reneeeeeeeeeeee August 10, 2006

84๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

te lo sico

Shut the fuck up

He nevers stop bitching! So I told him, te lo sico.

by BUBBA SLAYS January 2, 2018

26๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

lo freakin l

Laughing in a sarcastic way.

-Have you gone to driving school for that speeding ticket yet??

-yeah.. lo freakin l

by krissy2 March 30, 2007

24๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

los angeles clippers

the bengals of the NBA; they suck and are ultra cheap

The Clippers never resign free agents

by Craiggers March 29, 2004

185๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž

Los Angeles Fakers

Fans of the L.A. Lakers. They are only fans when the Lakers are good, similar to band wagoners, except Fakers are not the average Joe. Fakers are made up of celebrities who have court side seats, but usually text all game and have no idea what basketball is; i.e. they think that a full court press is the media outside their divorce hearings. The most famous Faker is Jack Nicholson, while the fakest Faker of all is Justin Bieber, who is actually Canadian.

Los Angeles Fakers: "We won!"
Celtics Fans: "No, that 99-67 score means you lost. Again. Maybe if you would get off your phone and watch the Finals you would know that. Pshh, what a bunch of Fakers."

by manSTFD April 18, 2011

48๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Poner Los cuernos

Means "to put the horns on". When someone puts the horns on their significant other means they cheated on them. They "made a fool" of that person. A guay (way) is an ox or slow dumb animal made for work. When you "put the horns on" your spouse, you turned them into a guay. It is an insult to call someone a guay, or say that someone is putting the horns on him. It's worse than calling a man a fool, but more like...he's being "played for a fool". It's a deep insult to call a Mexican Male a guay or say "te va poner los cuernos" because it not only emasculates the man, but it's insulting his lady as well bu insinuating she is a cheater/ho/slut/whore/puta. This is why Mexican women will cut a guy who calls her man a "guay"...or says "te puso los cuernos". It is now used casually like fucker and dick are used instead of saying dude, or homie. Ex..."Hey fucker, we gonna hit the club tonight?" It isnt calling him a real "fucker" but in place of dude. Same way "guay" is used. Ex. "Hey Guay, vamos al baile o que onda?"

Pinche guay! Te va poner los cuernos si le dejas salir al baile.

by Sillybilly13 September 8, 2019

32๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lei Lo Mo

Lei Lo Mo is an insult only used by the Chinese. This insult is also known as Your Mother in english. Lei Lo Mo is a commonly used in the Chinese culture and it has now slowly begun to spread westwards to ward the Indian cultures

Josh: Rishi, I always hear you use the term Your Mother.
Rishi: Yes, it's such a good word
Josh: Well, there is a better way to say it.
Rishi: How?

by curry_king April 3, 2005

43๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž