when a male has sex with a female that is on her period while the males dick is soft. he then lets the blood dry on his penis and gets erect and has sex with the women again
jennie came over and i tried the broken lobster on her
The rank below Lobster Lady/Lord in the online (found on Discord) army known as the Lobster Legion. Also known as just a moderator/mod. Centurions have similar powers to the Lobster Lady/Lord but when making an extra important call will consult the Lobster Lady.
The Lobster Centurion is a rank in the Lobster Legion.
When eating a lobster then out of no where a Taiwanese child pokes it's head out of the lobnster then you proceed to nut on their face. This is only done in your mum aha x
Yo bro i totally just bit the head of a kid off, fucking Taiwanese Lobster
Used to express your love, appreciation, and attraction for good white men.
“I love pasta and lobster” “Where is my pasta and lobster” “She got her pasta and lobster” “Pasta and lobster…sprinkle sprinkle”
A term used by black women/WOC who worship white males. Originally derived from rapper Kali's song named "Area Codes". It's often described as a joke but has quickly turned into a white male worshiping phrase/slogan. Pasta and Lobster being what many consider a top tier, fancy dish which also plays as a metaphor for how many black women view white males as the "cream of the crop" when it comes to dating. The term is only used for white male/non white white woman relationships.
"I'm done with black men, I'm getting me some pasta and lobster (typically a fantasy of a black femcel)
"Pasta and Lobster over Jollof and Fufu"
"Where do yall find pasta and lobster?" (a woman desperate to attract a male with white skin)
" I need pasta and lobster" ( The black woman is begging for a male with white skin )
8👍 36👎
A phrase that's used to refer to white boys who give black women princess treatment.
Example 1:
Girl 1: "Do you like pasta and lobster?"
GIrl 2: "Sure! I like 'em a little country too."
Example 2:
Girl 1: "I'm in my pasta and lobster era"
Girl 2: "I might enter mine too. I want a soft life, I'm tired of struggle love"