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Loose in context such as in a fight, is something an idiot would say if they can't speak English.

You loose lmaoooo

by Clearland November 10, 2022


What Hellberg was last Thursday

Woah Hellberg! You are so loose! Is it just you last Thursday or are you always like this?

by Prattypanttz October 3, 2020


a cat that eats humans

i have a looses

by looses November 13, 2020


What retarded people say when they think something isn’t cool like the opposite of tight

You’re loose for saying loose”

by Jdjjdjdjdjdjxjcjdjs December 2, 2017


Drunk or High

Bruh last night I was loose off that Henny

by LilDaddyTee November 19, 2019


Note firmly tightened or right in place; to free or release; to not fit tightly

"That knot is loose"
"I let the dog loose"
"She likes loose coats"

by _.moth._ July 18, 2022


One having an abundance of unmeasured drugs and presenting as an offering to their guests or companions.

'Go ahead, I have some "loose" on the table'

by @Cee, Cdiddy, CeeNote August 20, 2023