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Mrs. Imbert

Mean wannabe young teacher that tortures children.she give a lot of homework.she is the worse teacher ever

Mrs. Imbert gave a lot of homework ths week... I hate her

by Ja-hoe makes you grow... Ding May 1, 2018

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Mrs. Jumbo

A sexy ass cat

That girl thinks she's so hott; she's no Mrs. Jumbo.

If you find that it's not quite working, maybe it's a little too small, there is another option; a small animal such as a Mrs. Jumbo can be exactly what the doctor ordered.

by LostMySweater September 24, 2010

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mrs hillenbrand

An evil hobbit that gives detention for breathing blinking coughing sneezing or saying your real name (has been tested). She’s a substitute teacher at Cumberland Valley and is about 1000000 years old. Rumor has it she lives in the basement and has been teaching in CV since it was founded,

Jeff: Did you see mrs hillenbrand today!?
Oscar: Shes still alive???

by Don’t@meπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ƒπŸ‘Ž October 23, 2019

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Mr Stuart

a giant ginger drama teacher whom plays the drums and loves jesus

im a tall ginger :: wow thats so Mr stuart.

by yourallcats September 30, 2011

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mrs forster

An unappealing/ ugly woman in her late thirties or forties who dresses like she is a teenager and seems to be experiencing a permanent midlife crisis in which they act with out thinking and dress as slutty as possible.

A Mrs Forester will attempt to seduce younger males and will usually fail.

Mrs Foresters are normally divorced or in an unhappy relationship with a few children who dislike her, she how ever believes that she is hip and popular with younger generations.

She is an all round embarrassment

Person 1: "Oh dear god look at how short her skirt is, shes dressed like a prostitute but shes like 50!"

Person 2: "That's a classic Mrs Forster mate."

by ayylmao rob January 3, 2018

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Mr Doyon

The God of science. His expertise in the art of it is unparalleled. The manipulator of every living and non living being. A God as old as time.

Did you see that? Mr Doyon just manipulated a bike into existence!

by Sparrowed May 15, 2023

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Mr. Blacksmith

Teacher at plum borough who is older than a dinosaur and pervs on little girls. He is like 5’1 with a terrible hairline and has autistic kids, one of which died.

Ugh I hate Mr. Blacksmith. Who’s that? You know, the creepy teacher who looks at the girls and touches them. Oh yeah lmao.

by Youngdaggerdickxxx August 19, 2018

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