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Alabama welcome

When new neighbors move in and you invite them over to your trailer with your brother-dad and sister-mom and do meth out of your cousins asshole

We invited the Smiths over for a good old fashioned Alabama welcome.

by thatscrewedupkid January 2, 2018

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Alabama Landslide

When a man lays face down in bed with the woman's face between his legs and defacates.

Jim: What were you and John doing last night?
Sarah: Oh, you know, he just gave me the Alabama Landslide

by DoucheOnAPlane September 11, 2018

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Alabama Shotgun

When your partner sucks a fart out of your ass then you passionately kiss, inhaling the gas from her lips into your own mouth.

β€œWhen she asked me for an Alabama Shotgun, my heart melted. Lovingly, I ejaculated a fart into her mouth. Soon our eyes locked, and our tongues danced, as I sucked the juicy fart from her mouth.”

-Jesus of Nazareth

by Turdgod January 14, 2017

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Alabama Sledding

A man has to lay on the top of a hill naked, his sister/cousin/mother or any blood relative must sit on top of his cock. Than you push down the hill to start sledding, when the bumps hit his cock pushes further into his relative

Hey bro, last week my family and I went Alabama sledding, it was a grand ol' time

by Creator of cochlea March 7, 2019

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Alabama Hotpocket

A sex move where one shits into the woman's vagina
Ex: Tymere is the literal definition of this.

Tymere you like to search up this weird shit for fun...why an Alabama hotpocket...

by IamSmert_ April 19, 2021

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Baked alabama

A sex move where you take minced onion and ginger drowned in hot sauce and put it in a stretched anal cavity before letting go of the rim of the reciever's ass, letting the mixture remain in their colon till they shit it out

I love baked alabama but it hurts like hell

by Alpharat53 July 25, 2017

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Rainsville, Alabama

A small town on Sand Mountain. Home of the Plainview Bears. Consitsts of TWO redlights, one school (k-12), and a lot of heart. One of the prettiest places on Earth! Full of rednecks and scholors alike. Very quiet town where everyone knows everyone, and everyone is willing to give a helping hand.

Rainsville, Alabama is one of the prettiest places.

by dlcushen March 10, 2011

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