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Noob grunt

Noob grunt is the lowest form of noobness and noobs in general

Person A:''Ugh, that kid is such a noob grunt!''
Person S:''Yeah, he doesn't even know how to start a computer.''

by Tombul February 8, 2011

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Shee Noob

The Shee Noob is a special class of noob that plays the Halo series.

A Shee Noob's gaming experience mainly consists of:

1. Getting in a banshee for an extended and lengthy period of time.

2. Splatting anyone that comes within range.

3. Doing it over and over to gain cheap kills that require less skill than boiling an egg.

Shee Noobs are looked down upon in gaming society and if you are one, then you may need to get help, or stop gaming altogether.

How to avoid a Shee Noob if present in a match:

1. Stay indoors at all times.

2. Leave the game.

3. Lock on rockets if avialable.

Please refrain from being, A Shee Noob

Player X: "FFS, that f***ing Shee Noob is up there sky camping again. He has killed me 9 times in 3 minutes! You cant play for shit Shee Noob!!!"

Shee Noob "You're just jealouse that im winning. You newb. You're the one that sucks, you cant even kill me."

Please. Dont be a Shee Noob.

by Jaykardee_09 December 26, 2009

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noob cake

a noob who was baked until they became a delicious desert

speaker #1: I beat up a noob who was very noobly and then I made them a noob cake!

speaker #2: wow this noob cake is really good!

by margarita old June 7, 2010

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Shit noob

A Phrase commonly used by germans on Halo 3. The pharse means that you are a noob and you are shit.it is pronounced sh-ee-t-new-b.

Hey blue team, you are a shit noob.
your mum was a shit noob in bed last night.
Shut up shit noob

by David Huw Jones November 4, 2007

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uncharted noob

a noob who is no one fucking knows who the fuck he is and he also the biggest retard in human history

That uncharted noob guy is such a retard

by weebgamer013 June 28, 2020

noob guard

On a modern bicycle, the rear gears (called a cassette) are separated from the spokes of the rear wheel by a plastic disc. The purpose is a preventative measure if the chain slips off into the wheel, the spokes are not destroyed; which keeps the rider safer from injury. However, if the limits on the derailleur are adjusted correctly, this should never be an issue. Typically, the plastic discs are removed from a newly purchased bike, else the cyclist will be considered a newbie or noob by colleagues.

Mr. Spandex: "You haven't removed your noob guard yet?"
New Biker: "Isn't it there for a purpose?"
Mr. Spandex: "It's just extra weight!"

by Philip the Water Tank December 31, 2011

Noob Goblin

Troll in training . Basically a Noob troll but a goblin is a baby form of a troll in some planets.

Question: How do i eat babies!@?

A: Noob goblin much^?

by sapphireheartsz September 19, 2010