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Dick, It means dick. Randy means dick. came from “big dick randy

“Wanna see my randy?

Come here so i can show you my randy.*

by HelloBIGDICKRANDY July 7, 2024


Randy is the always the best fighter in his area and is a gym bro. He never gives up on peopls and always likes when you give him creatine.

We already know your a Randy, Josh

by Urmumismymum November 24, 2021


Randy likes anime. His favorite anime is Re:Zero. He is 17 and can drive. He games way too much. Doesn't know how to cook but will try his best. Makes good bao zi.

Randy is the gamer.

by o3405a December 30, 2021


A crazy guy who probably dose drugs

Person 1: Yo who’s that over there shooting up heroine.

Person 2: That’s just my boi Randy

by Lovely peaches137 November 18, 2019


A scheming and selfish person having low character and little integrity. Occasionally cancels plans on you or acts like an overall jerk.

That motherf***** Randy, everytime he gets six beers in him he gets pissed off and leaves us. Tell me about it, I’m getting fuc**** tired walking home from work everyday.

by TTSFF August 1, 2019


He’s the best person!!! He the best person!!! He funny

Person 1: do you know who he is???
Person 2: that’s Randy, he’s a funny guy !!

by JPKORG May 28, 2024


A man with a big belly who eats and steals cheese burgers. He will also show you a good time for the right price.

Get out of my face Randy you potbellied, cheeseburglin mafuka!

by Horseboy September 30, 2022