a person who only has dick on there mind 24/7 and nothing else
hey man I think dat girl is booper blockin
Purposeful actions taken to impede, limit or stop the social, economic and political participation and advancement of people of color.
Stricter voter ID laws aren't about protecting election integrity; they're about color blocking.
A form of defense in the game of basketball where the defender sticks his penis in the offensive players eye and then blocks his shot.
Man my friend Ryan sure did seem to love getting the Dock and Block from that big black fat Cock
That bitch move your co-worker makes to discuss work before you've had a chance to get coffee.
My boss coffee blocked me this morning looking for project files.
A Vietnamese / Cambodian slang for a long block of road. Usually takes around 30 minute walk or 5 minute drive.
Yooo, the place isn’t that far, it is about a David Block.
People at a rock concert forming a barrier and not allowing you any closer to the stage.
"Let's get closer to the band!"
"We can't, those guys in front of us are Rock Blocking!"
To block someone or something by parking in front of it.
Jill tried to drive drunk last night so I park blocked her. She ended up getting pissed at me, then taking a cab. #winning.