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small dick energy

Man with oversized ego and a constant need to harass teenage girls

Andrew brags to teenage girl, Gretha about his 33 cars to compensate for his small penis, also known as small dick energy. Gretha does a mike drop and Andrew gets arrested

by big pussy energy December 30, 2022

17👍 7👎

small town ghetto

The bad side of a small town where its poor and crime ridden the wrong side of the tracks

That boy came from a small town ghetto the side of town loaded with shotgun shacks and meth lab trailers prostitution and gunfire he is from the other side of the tracks

by Locoman88 August 20, 2020

abyss small child

when someone is always screaming about this that are there fault

"my work takes so long"

:no your just being a abyss small child"

by garrydaplatypus January 21, 2021

Small Adorable Bean

A really cute girl(usually really short), she usually will have a an adorable voice, and has a super cute face. She won't grow past 5'2, but thats okay because everyone loves her anyway

Nakita over there is super short and cute! I bet shes a small adorable bean!!
She has to be!

by Blazer2414 November 3, 2019

Kristy lynn Small

An amazing girl who cared for more people then you could imagine. very loving and everyone who knew her loved or cared for her very much.
She was out spoken loud and fun. Very beautiful and kind hearted, enjoyed partying it up and having a good time.
She will always be missed.

That girl is kristy Lynn small beautiful.

by thatgurl90 September 21, 2010

extra small drink

a radical departure from the fast food 'tub' , or 55 gallon drum of soft drink (ie: "ultra gulp")
requesting this at a fast food place definitely proves a 'foreign' concept

my dutch friends were horrified at all the sloppy fat americans, i told them to be sure an ask for an extra small drink when at a fast food place...

the order taker looked at me like i was INSANE! , when i requested an extra small drink @ michael and donald's !

get you a TANK of soft drink @ michael and donald's! , NOT an extra small drink ! , let's BULK UP !!

by michael foolsley July 11, 2022

small batch mayo

N. A euphemism for semen

During brunch at The General Greene, Derek went to the bathroom to whip up some of his own small batch mayo.

by Sk8terboi February 1, 2014