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Pounding the Poop Chute

The sexual act in which intercourse takes place in the anus and rectum. Also refered to as anal sex, and butt fuggin.

Jim didn't want to get her pregnant, so he began pounding the poop chute instead.

by t-nad February 14, 2010

5 pounds

one large cum wad

Kyle chocked on Garys 5 pounds.

by nobodythatuneedtobeconcernedwith May 18, 2003

4๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

plop a few pounds

When you need to drop a few pounds by having a big dump.
This happens when you've:
1) Just had a big meal
2) Been constipated and need to let one rip
3) Been out all night and don't trust public toilets

John: Ahh man I was out all night and the public toilets were disgusting so when I got home I had to plop a few pounds.

Mat: Dude that's disgusting !!

by g-fortress March 27, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

laughing off the pounds

Abbreviated as LOP, laughing off the pounds referrers to the feeling of laughing so hard it feels as if one is getting abs. is used in instant messaging, texting and other electronic communication to indicate that something is humorous, LOP can be used instead, or in place of LOL, LMAO or HAHAHA. It implies that the sender is laughing hard enough to burn a significant amount of calories so as to loose weight, thus laughing off the pounds

The video of a dancing cat was so funny that I felt as if I had lost ten pounds after laughing at it, so I sent it to my friend who replied LOP (laughing off the pounds), indicating that she felt the same as I about the dancing cat video.

by Unicornfucker6969 February 7, 2018

996๐Ÿ‘ 454๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cunt pound word

a noun which is used for pounding cunts

"You're such a dick!", "Stop using Cunt pound words!!"

by scottyontop October 4, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

300 pound club

Pertaining to a class of weightlifter who succesfully lifts a sum of 300 or more pounds either at-once or cumulatively. Typically, a high school football player is awarded a special patch signifying their entry into the club upon lifting this weight.

Fernando bench pressed 320 pounds and recieved his 300 Pound Club patch.

by S. G. February 20, 2006

31๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ten Pound D

This common practice in shared seating situations, such as on buses and subways, occurs most often when men tend to take up more than their fair share of the seat with legs spread wide, giving off the impression that they have to account for the space of a ten pound dick.

I was riding the H4 this morning, and I only had a 1/4 of a seat because I was sitting next to a ten pound d.

by TenPoundDSpotter February 8, 2013