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pretty please

An ugly person. Usually refering to a female.

You: "Did you see Sarah's new look? I think she is so pretty with shorter hair."

Me: "Pretty Please. She looks like a 12 year old boy with that hair style. In fact, it looks like a 12 year old boy styled her hair."

by One Rho March 23, 2008

56πŸ‘ 708πŸ‘Ž

my pretty pony

A phrase to describe an adult who remains trapped in a childish worldview and is therefore unwilling to deal with reality, instead reverting to the benign idealism of her early days playing "My Little Pony" and brushing her doll's hair.

She wanted it written into the divorce agreement that their five-year-old has to spend every birthday until he's eighteen with her, since they happen to have the same birthday...she's so...my pretty pony.

She was far too "my pretty pony" to deal with the IRS's lien notice. "How can I possibly pay my $2000 tax debt," she reasoned as she burned the letter, "when there are Gucci handbags to buy?"

by urbanangel225 July 12, 2011

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Pretty Handsome Awkward

A song by The Used that is rumored to be about Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance, becuase of the fact that Bert McCracken (Lead Singer of The Used) and Gerard Way had a "Falling-Out".

Gerard McCracken...LOL! ...the good old days... although I luv the song Pretty Handsome Awkward...

by _music_luver_person_ February 23, 2009

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

The Pretty Girl Effect

1. The effect pretty girls have on people attracted to women

2. Glazed-over eyes and drool

"Poor guy, he was in the middle of a killer joke when Leslie walked in and the Pretty Girl Effect took over. What a shame..."

"Total Pretty Girl Effect! It was like I couldn't even breathe..."

by thelavena May 24, 2010

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Pretty Girl Syndrome

When an atractive female thinks she is far more beautiful than all other women around her. Because of this she thinks she deserves to be treated superiorly, and makes demands on those around her. Her attitude is very centered on herself, but she suffers from very low self-esteem in actuality. Women suffering from pretty girl syndrome are often treated badly by the men they care about the most.

Frank meet Sally & Suzy at the club at the very same night. Because of Sally's pretty girl syndrome she was upset & shocked when frank was interested in Suzy and not her.

by Nikki Blanco February 23, 2011

120πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž

drink him pretty

A Southern colloquial expression similar to beer gogglesused by Paula Deen to describe when one imbibes or drinks a copious quantity of alcohol to make the person you are with look better.

"Michael had a big ugly beard and I didn't know what to expect if he wanted to kiss me, so, girl, I decided to drink him pretty!"

by Chris Hammer September 18, 2007

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Pretty boy

A pretty boy is someone who is a homosexual, and usually acts very feminine. You can also call pretty boys, β€œretros”.

β€œLook at that pretty boy, dog.”

β€œYeah, he’s definitely a nice retro. Too bad he’s gay.”


by 420blazethem February 8, 2019

2πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž