A neophyte's approach to understanding financial problems using calculations that may result in a wide +/- margin of error. Generally Simcoe math is used to broadly prove a point the user is trying to make, allowing a "rough estimate" to masquerade as a definitive answer.
Named after a region in Canada famous for being satisfied with results which may only have a tenuous connection to the truth.
"Guys—I'm just doing a bit of Simcoe math here on the back of this napkin, and it looks like we have just enough cash left for another round of Warthogs!"
Math so easy and 'thin' even the babies slurping up the metaphorical spaghetti can comprehend it. just like they can eat the spaghetti. because its easy as fuck to digest.
examples of this include: Further math and any math below 10th grade level.
Person 1 "I got 90% on my last test!" Person 2 "yeah but you do spaghetti math"
The calculus that goes on in the mind of an idiot that leads them to make bad decisions.
P1: "Wait, what possible reason could he have had to punch that cop? There's no possible permutation stemming from that that doesn't get him arrested, or possibly worse."
P2: "You're just not doing the idiot math here. Put yourself into the mindset of a 12th century peasant and you'll understand why he made the choice he did."
P1: "I still don't understand."
P2: "If he defeats the cop, then that guy can't tell him what to do anymore. He wins in his own mind, and that's all that's important."
P1: "Oh ok, I think I understand idiot math now."
Bronx math is a shitty school mad ghetto so people who went there end up working at McDonald’s on Burger King they be having mad fights (it’s funny tho) they be skipping class we be smoking in the bathroom getting litty nah let me stop but are teachers be sucking mad dick like always 🤣 but that school is trash Odee
Keyyah: don’t go to Bronx math I Heard it was trash bro
Imani: deadass bro
A management cuck with a Master of Business Administration that doesn't understand what goes on in the trenches of their organization and makes stupid calculations by not consulting with the people beneath them.
Person A: They didn't buy enough seats for software XYZ, so people keep rotating off the authorized list. A seat costs $10/user/month, but no let's make them unproductive for $300/day.
Person B: Must be that MBA math.
Person A: Haha, no kidding.
Using some math to see if a certain amount of (((cookies))) could have been put in the “oven” in a certain amount of time
Matt: I’m having a big potluck in 4 years and I need to bake 6 million cookies, but no matter how I look at it I can’t make it work
James: You should have done your cookie math, man.
When flushed pages of a photocopied raw manuscript that an unscrupulous math publisher had illegally obtained from a competitor’s editor or agent were found clogging the toilet.
On a surprise visit to Winning Math Publishing, the FBI found proof of toilet math taking place upon their arrival to their premises.
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