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Dateline bait

a girl who is so young that if you tried to date her, you would be on the next episode of Datelines "To Catch a Predator"

i went to my girl friends house to get laid, but i got busted. turns out she was dateline bait.

by cragman July 21, 2010

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A person that uses their sexuality to get ahead in business or life, then complains when a sexual advance is made towards them.

You hear Brian got fired?

No. What happened? He was great at his job!

He asked the new girl to go for drinks. Just another victim of whore-baiting.

by Boozehound$ November 17, 2017

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bill baiting

The act of looking/acting suspicious as to arouse the attention of the plod then running away as fast as you can whilst they give chase. It is advisable not to get caught though!

Q: Mate what are we going to do on this come-down?
A: Lets go bill baiting.

by Greenhenry July 5, 2007

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squid bait

A girl that goes after or dates a man in the navy.

"Now you're just fuckin' squid bait!"

by lealea November 9, 2003

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male bait

Almost like 'jail bait'. In this situation an overage male wishes to have a sexual experience with an under age male. this will result in a mandatory jail sentence as well as some time spent on the sex offenders register.

male of an overage status wishes to conduct sexual acts upon an under age male - male bait -

by Tripod - CW January 23, 2008

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Suicide Baiting

The act of convincing someone that you just committed suicide or are about to commit suicide.

Guy 1: Hey, did you hear? Guy 3's exe tried suicide baiting him
Guy 2: What the fuck?

by 67memes February 8, 2020

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Lion Bait

Another name for an African American from some Jungle who is considered lunch for a lion.

Aka: porch monkey, jive frog, jigaboo, buckwheat, tar baby

While I was at the airport I saw a 7' tall 100lb lion bait with a spear that he brought from Zaire.

by Tito santana montoya February 16, 2006

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