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boat boy

a guy with the honor of earning a nautical term or boat name.

A guy who loves to party with his mates like he's on a boat. (super bro)

guy 1: did you see Andy last night?
guy 2: dude he was a steamboat!

That boat boy was grinding on every bitch he saw last night!

by frankyfarts March 13, 2010

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When a man sneaks up on his girlfriend or wife while she is sleeping and puts it in her butt.

While Emma slept, Gary snuck under the covers and gave her the... u-boat.

by The Blodger October 28, 2011

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Boat Shoes

Foot attire generally worn by individuals possessing small penises, large egos, and a trust fund courtesy of their parents. Boat shoes are usually seen being sported by yuppies and other terrible people. Boston college accounts for the majority of boat shoe sales.

"Dude do you like my new boat shoes?"

"Absolutely not, but while you're at it grab a vineyard vines shirt and go down to city side tavern"

by Apefart October 1, 2015

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Lady Boat

(n., english) A hypothetical boat carrying those one has feelings for. This boat may carry crushes, dates, and spouses. An extended metaphor concerning the "lady boat" as well as the ocean it sails has also developed.

Character A: Do you like her?
Character B: Well, she is on my Lady Boat.

by willjack December 2, 2007

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cotton boats

When too many tampons (also called tampoons) get flushed down the toilet causing the sewer drain to become bloodied and clogged.

"One time Donna spent the weekend and flushed too many cotton boats down our toilet."

by Cindy Bradely November 22, 2006

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A long and sturdy albeit plastic turd that bends in a U plugging the toilet when the moment off truth arrives.

Man I had to swab the deck after U-boat 7:17 left the dock.

by delmarskd! October 20, 2011

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steam boat

1. to be very highly intoxicated on copius amounts of alcohol, to the point where you can just manage to walk

2. a chant which is shouted by yourself and a group of friends when you are leaving the pub/club/bar and are walking down the street, after a heavy drinking session

1. ah man, me and the lads had a great night, we where so steam boat it took me 2 hours to walk half a mile home.

2. me and the lads where shouting "STEEEEEEAM BOOOOOAT" all night last light, and we woke some old lady up!!

by yogigypsy October 16, 2009

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