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senior engineer power trip

when a person gets promoted to senior engineer and decides it is time to pick on regular engineers because he finally got a step up on them. this is usually the result of feeling inadequate, typically because the regular engineers went to better colleges than the senior engineer did

Dude, Alex is pulling a senior engineer power trip on Colin.

by foxy_brown June 30, 2009

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Gentlemen, start your engines!

"The tradition of the pre-race singing of "Back Home Again in Indiana" goes back to 1946, the first race after the track was closed four years for World War II and the first under the ownership of Tony Hulman. The Hulman era also ushered in the tradition of one of the most famous commands in sports, "Gentlemen, start your engines."

Gentlemen, start your engines!

by DonOsama February 25, 2012

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exodia draw engine deck

A type of Deck in the Children's Card Game also known As Yu-Gi-Oh!, that's main focus is Drawing cards until you get all Five Pieces of Exodia, enabling a One-Turn-Kill. Mostly used by people with no true skill in the game, (or any imagination) as a Method for a quick and easy (and very cheap) win.
It is also the type of deck used by Generic Villains with no Genuine backstory.

Example 1:
Person 1: "Well, on DN I just dueled this guy who really lacks any true skill at children's card games, and no imagine nation at all."
Person 2: "Let me guess: exodia draw engine deck?"
Person 1: "Yep, how did you know?"
Person 2: "Well if I chose to play a children's card game back lacked any imagination and skill, that's what I would do.

Example 2:
Generic Villain: "Your friend is right Yugi, you stand no chance against my ultimate strategy."
Yami Yugi: "Let me guess: You're trying to summon Exodia: The Forbidden One?"
Generic Villain: "NO! How does he know?!"
Yami Yugi: "Well, if I were a Generic Villain with no Genuine Backstroy, that's what I would be doing too."
The above example come from YGOTAS.

by arandomobserver2 September 19, 2013

Rotary Engine Face

when you give a serious yet sad look on your face when you disagree with something and shake your head no

yo andy how about that mazda rx 7? *gives rotary engine face*

by Jwords April 27, 2008

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Lightning Propulsion Rocket Engine

Lightning Propulsion Rocket Engine: This is a theoritical rocket engine that is based on the principles of cause an effect. Artificial lightning is discharged towards an ionized gas. When the lightning strikes the gas, it propels the craft forward at near the speed of light. The engine is designed to be used in the vacuum of space under zero gravity.
The engine was first theorized by a Christian science fiction writer named Victor Darnell Hadnot in one of his short stories.

Lightning Propulsion Rocket Engine: is used to propel a spacecraft near the speed of light. The engine that is used to move a spacecraft at the speed of light. Any rocket engine that makes use of artificial lightning to propel a spacecraft near the speed of light.

by Dr. Patricia Pystrum January 10, 2010

Thomas the tank engine

A word created for god by a guy named Ian

Thomas the tank engine doesn’t exist - Ian

by SVSH December 16, 2020

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Thomas the dank engine

the most badass train in the whole world. that smokes weed with his friends all day long and likes to eat pussy

hey dude wanna go smoke with Thomas the dank engine i have heard that he his bringing bitches

by ConsumePP04 June 17, 2019

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