A guy who gets high on city gases.
Have had too much car exhaust, and act like he is high of it.
1: Jo see that guy? He's a real grey hound!
2: Yeah, he is acting like he is high. He must have had to much of that car exhaust.
1: Hell yeah!
A retirement home with a drive-thru window
I was in the mood for some crusty-butt so I went to my local Grey-to-Go
A person playing Craps for the first time, who amazingly stays on the same roll for 45 minutes straight or longer, winning loads of money in the process.
"It had been 20 minutes without a losing roll of the dice, and people all over the casino came to watch the potential grey roller, a once in a lifetime sight in casinos.
moody and hungry bitch ngl.. handle with caution. might pay you. might not. will require constant attention, will kill you.
God that girl is being like grey(no)rizz, it's hard.
example of how to use “grey-lynn” in a sentence: no good example, don’t speak in my name unless it’s good things only pls <3
Man Hoe Uniform, Himbo favorite outfit. Josh's favorite color pants to wear.
Oh look Josh and Trey got their manhoe uniforms on today for the gym. Those grey sweatpants are their manhoe uniforms, to show off their schlong.
Grei is the name of a brand who's vision is a gender equal world. They develop digital products supporting equality, their first product is Grei community - a digital community for women, where all aspects of life can be discussed in forums, groups or chat.
Grei comes from the grey-zone of life which is tabu - sexuality, female health, womanhood.