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Power dating

people who date down in order to have the power in a relationship

A power dating partner tries to change the other person in the meantime showing superiority.

by YaYess April 16, 2021

Asian Powers

Asian Powers are one of the greatest civilizations ever to be known in asian history. The members are Jett (The Hitman) John (The Fellow Guard) Khanh (The Vietnamese Assasin) Preethu (The Brains) Jaspreet (The memer) Ronith (The Donut)

"How was the AP gang" (AP=Asian Powers)
"They were amazing today"

by AP-BYRON July 25, 2019

slam power

To strike something with great enough force to completely destroy both objects involved; to completely consume an entire beverage in a ridiculously minimal amount of time.

Myron: "De Jongh you completely slam powered that guys face!"

De Jongh; "I know but i also shattered all the bones in my hand!"

Cash: "Well lets slam power some brewskies to make that hand feel better!"

by Fly1ngDutchman1 February 28, 2010

Power of Friendship

The most bullshit plot device in most media. Somehow give the protagonist a boost of power to defeat the antagonist.

Hero: By the power of friendship, I overcome great evil!
Villain: Wtf is he on?

by Shitposter31 January 22, 2023

Funny Power

A person with little to no humour, spending their time trying to make other people laugh at terribly drawn or photoshopped images.

Travis : Alex, have you seen this funny picture I've drawn?
Alex : No I haven't. May I see it?
Travis : Sure
Alex : Damn bro you are such a Funny Power right now

by wolfrock04 February 21, 2022

Ko powers

When an asshole knives you in a game (especially when there are no knives in the game) and that kill defies all logic and physics, they just used a Ko power

Gamer 1: "I'm so safe in this tank"
Ko Destroyer: "THINK AGAIN Ko powers ACTIVATE"
*Ko Destroyer lunges through tank with a knife, destroying it, and shrapnel kills the entire enemy team*
Gamer 1: "what the fuck just happened"
Ko Destroyer: "meh, I've done better"

Gamer 2: "I'll be safe in this corner"
Ko Destroyer: "not for long, Ko powers ACTIVATE"
*Ko lunges through a wall, halfway across the map*
*Gamer 2 has left the game*

by RagingFlame62 November 26, 2012

power stoned

To be so stoned that you physically can't move but you're having the time of your life.

"hey look at Jim, he's so stoned that he physically can't move but he's having the time of his life. He's power stoned!"

by controndon March 1, 2012