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whack a husband day

Day that falls on November 28th and May 17th of each year

Wife: walks up to husband and whack
Husband: goes ow what was that for
Wife: goes it's whack a husband day

by Whack a husband September 29, 2021

Wicker Whack

A popular Australian term for beating violently another person with a wooden instrument, i.e. A plank of wood or baseball bat.

Me and my brother were mad at Steven so we got my baseball bat and gave him a wicker whack over his face

by Brain Phelps August 23, 2009

smashed whacked

the act of being extremely smashed (drunk) and also extremely whacked (stone)

me and Crabberz got that smashed whacked last night, was spacey as

by krillf_man9 April 7, 2016

Bull Whacking

Bull whacking is when either partner spanks one another with a bully stick. Note: a bully stick is a dried bulls penis.

I was bull whacking last night and wow my cheeks are a sore! What a”treat”!

by The Hobbits October 10, 2022

road whack

Masturbation while driving an automobile.

Jimmy was bored and horny on that long, solo drive home from college, so he pulled out his dong and had a nice road whack.

by jds07030 April 15, 2017

Whack a vsco

Grab your favourite hydro flask and smack a girl in the head

Whack a vsco girl with a hydro flask or whip em with a scrunchie and give em what they deserve

by Dr.Belhabinscut October 20, 2019

Sleep Whacking

When a man is masturbating while asleep.

Example 1

Friends Wife - "Can I ask you a personal question regarding your friend?"
Husbands Friend - "Shoot!"
Friends Wife - "I caught my husband masturbating while he was asleep and I could not wake him up."
Husbands Friend - "Was he making Gorilla sounds?"
Friends Wife - "YES! YES HE WAS!
Husband friend - "What you witnessed was an art form known as SLEEP WHACKING, sleep whacking is multi-tasking at it's best."

Example 2
My buddy was telling me about his marital affair the other night. It involved him sleep whacking and it put him in the doghouse.

by deucebiggss1 March 1, 2014