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real world

One reason why MTV has gone down the toilet. Basically, Real World is just another boring "reality TV" show.

Nowadays, MTV devotes at least 8 hours of its day to Real World marathons/reruns.

by AYB July 8, 2003

16๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

World of Warcraft

A game that is fun as hell. Then you have all these faggot nerds and internet tough guys who write about how addictive the game is and how you'll leave your girlfriend.

If you leave your gf for this game, you have the willpower of a fucking piece of grass. If you lose your friends because of this game, you also have a willpower equivalent to a piece of grass.

Stop bitching and moaning about this fun game, just play it. It's not that addicting and you don't have to play 24/7/365 to get far in it. Just be in a guild full of people that know what they're doing.


dumbass: "herp derp world of warcraft is 4 lozers u nevr get lade hahah fagot go outside"

me: "I can say that I've gotten more pussy than you'll ever get. Also, l2 english. thanks."

by fewfihedofhe June 6, 2010

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Mini World

Mini World, a sandbox game which is similar to Minecraft. But Mini World has a lot of features! Like play multiplayer with you friends or strangers without entering your email and password to create an account, making your own maps, Customize your own skin, unlock any mounts, play peoples maps, etc.

Mini World is not just a survival and creative game though, It has a lot of mini games! Like pvp, puzzle, roleplay, parkour, and more!

However, lately the community and the game are getting worse and worse since 2020 (if Im not wrong)... the bugs in the game are increasing, unfair map feature, admins updates the game every month, I see on average what they update is mounts and skins (I don't even have any money), again and again (which makes most low end devices laggy and laggy), almost all minigames are pay-to-win because because some map creators are greedy for money and last but not least. Most of the admins won't listen to the players if the game had an update.

I hope the admins realize their mistake and regret it forever.
I don't want skins, mounts or biome updates. I just want this game to be as good as it used to be

A : What exacly is Mini World?
B : Minecraft from China
A : What do you mean?
A : I don't know, ask the admins

by KelpinN November 15, 2021

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World class

A word used to define someone or something amazing.

You- Hey I just scored 2 Tickets to the Jets game!
Friend- what? Omg your world class

by Smartypants06 January 7, 2019

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Girl World

1. the secret and evasive world where girls reign over everything. boys do not understand it at all, but thats ok...its a girl thing they dont need to :)

2. an excuse to confuse men
3. where nothing has to make sense to a guy, because it makes sense to girls all over the world

4. sometimes known as barbie world
5. green girl world: eco friendly shopping bags
6. every girl's response to a man saying, what does that mean?

man: what does that mean?
woman: oh, you just dont understand girl world!

by kayeguen July 18, 2009

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World of Shitcraft

The proper name for the game known as Wow. IT SUCKS! All you do is run around killing shit and taking their skin and crap! People pay 15 bucks a month to play as some mythical creature like an elf or a dwarf or something. GAY!

Lets all go have an online orgy on world of shitcraft.

by BigLJ April 13, 2007

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world of warcraft

World of Warcraft, abbreviated WoW, is a computer game for losers who have absolutley no life. The only time WoW players see a real pussy in their life is when they come out of their mom's pussy at birth. The game is an addiction to those who play it, sometimes more addicting than drugs such as cocaine. WoW players spend 20 hours of their day playing this game. They never shower, and hardly ever eat and sleep. Anyone who plays this game is a retard who needs to get a damn life and the average IQ of the people in the world would jump dramatically if all of the WoW players were killed.

My roommate plays World of Warcraft constantly. He is failing all of his classes because WoW is more important than homework and studying to him. He never showers either and smells like shit.

by tp March 7, 2005

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