When you realize you've gone the wrong way, but don't want to seem cringe so you turn around after pretending to have received a message from someone. Typically accompanied by exasperated sighing, grumbling, and checking your phone to really convince everyone around you.
All day I kept screwing up my directions, to the point where I was making a bunch of hallway U-turns. It was so embarrassing.
A phrase used to describe leaving a place quickly, specifically a party or other large social gathering.
I was really enjoying the Candlenights party, but when Griffin pulled out his fanart of a Garfield-Pamela Anderson hybrid I turned to bees faster than you can say “SHRIMP! HEAVEN! NOW!”
When you go out on Friday Night and get Turned down by 10's.
Hey dude. Fuck your ex gf. Let's hit Turned down Friday and hit on some 10's. Yeah dude cuz if you aren't getting turned down by 10's you aren't trying.
Discretely hanging a 180 to check out the butt of a hot girl that just passed you.
Damm. I had to see what that girl's ass looked like so I pulled a Booty U-turn.
when a bird doesn't want to eat something, it turns it's beak up at that food.
There is a big cat dead body, but the eagle turns it's beak up at it.
1. A flirtatious way to inadvertently ask a group of girls to hang out
2. A phrase used to hit on multiple girls at the same time
"Hey you wanna come turn this triangle into a square?"
A good solid trouser turn up, made famous by the school trousers your mum would buy from Tesco, and apply her own form of tailoring.
Whoa, what’s with the Tesco turn-ups, didn’t they have any in your size?