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g unit

g-unit was a group of gangsters who originated from Salsburgh, Scotland.Gurella Unit was the gangs name.50 cent stole this name from them.

by g November 1, 2003

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Girls that live in the Z-unit of Copper Beech apartments.

"those girls that live in z-unit are the shit"

by Tyler Snoap November 10, 2006

38๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

goop unit

n. a term used to describe a pimp and/or a player

me and goop unit went and pimped the b*tches last night

by Big Smoke February 15, 2005

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

uniting church

the uniting church is a church that maintains all rights reserved for all people and in doing so allows all things to be possible and allows complex issues to be resolved slowly and lets god manifest in the truth.

i am a member of the uniting church... because all things are possible all the time i must allow all people the right to that belief if i don't "i" am there ruler and therefore assume to be a god and have minions i obey all the ten commandments but in doing so i reserve one for all people to love there neighbour as they love themselves that is my teaching

by angus macfarlane March 16, 2007

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manchester united

the best football team in the world!!! also with the best players

manchester united beat chelsea in the champions league final!!

by lizizawsum May 30, 2008

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united states

The United States is a country home to 150 million of the friendliest, most caring, decent people in the world. However, There are also a similar amount of racist, fundamental christian retards who seem to make unilateral decisions for the rest of the world.

The United States government currently appears to be the most corrupt entity on the planet earth, sending thier brave and heroic soldiers to fight wars with the sole purpose of furthering individual ends. Your fanatical presidnet Mr G.W Bush, lacks the ability to engage in a initellignet conversation, nevermind oversee the actions of the worlds most powerful military arsenal.

Their are severe ethnic divisions in the United States, despite the claim that the U.S. is the leader of the "free" world. Plus, anybody now wishing to travel to the U.S. will have all their personal details checked and stored at the whim of the CIA. This reflects the United States over-inflated self image, the U.S is not the centre of the universe.

This fact is reflected in history quite clearly. The United States government will engage in war in Iraq & Afghanistan, but will let the people of Darfur & Burma suffer extreme human rights abuses (not enough oil there you see). How many Americans know that during world war 2, there was only 1 country at war with Nazi Germany from the begining of the war? While Britain was bombed daily by the Germans, the American government refused to get invloved militarily. It was only when American intrests were attacked (Pearl Harbour) that the U.S government acted. Brtian was the only country to fight from day 1 - but you wont see that reflected anywhere in Hollywood. It seems that the U.S. government selfishly picks its battles...

Anyway, the point is that the average decent American citizen gets treated like crap no matter where they go in the world. After visiting Mexico for example, the locals assumed that I must be American, and treated me with caution. Once they discovered I was British, it was a different story.

America has great people, a fantastic environment, patriotism that I admire, many opportunities, but ultimatly a government that stinks. Also whatever your government does, the British government does blindly. So next time your voting in our Prime minister, pick one with a backbane please!!

The United States government is corrupted.

by Rob1986 October 19, 2006

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g unit

the WORST "band" to walk the face of the planet. the "music" they produse is shit, just like all rap is.

"yeah, i'd go to a g unit concert. ONLY TO KILL THEM ALL!!!

by Ross Wale April 18, 2004

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