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Waffle Hut

A place to meet and eat.

(Gawain MacSam) I can't believe you brought yo bitch to the Waffle Hut.
(Garth Pancake) What?
(Gawain MacSam) I can't believe you brought yo bitch to the Waffle Hut.

by Calvin Parry August 11, 2008

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toaster waffle

Those really neat things that you can buy almost anywhere in a box, that you bring home, put in the freezer, then take out in the morning and put one in the toaster and then let it toast. If you are a good toaster waffle maker, then your toaster waffle will not turn out squishy, like mine do. They come in many flavors, such as the plain type, chocolate chip, and...others that I can't think of. They are waffles, only smaller and not as good as the ones you could make with a waffle iron thing, but still good.

Person A: *takes toaster waffle out of package, puts in toaster*
Person LMNOP: Hey, toaster waffle!

by tashers April 27, 2006

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Making Waffles

meaning to mastrubate
or pleasure oneself sexually

ew shane stop making waffles in the bathroom

by nicholas luciano May 3, 2005

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Sympathy Waffles

Roommate feels sympathy for one or more roommates after he/she engages in vigorous sex which results in keeping entire residence awake. Roommate in question makes waffles for everyone affected.

After escaping a sexless marriage i moved in with a friend. For a while my roommate was being kept awake regularly with the sound of my hookups. one morning after my "friend" left i made homemade waffles with fresh berries, bacon and coffee. She informed me that she expected the sympathy waffles to continue if i was going to continue to keep her awake at night.

If you are going to continue to keep me awake at night, i expect the sympathy waffles to continue!

by Molsonbeaver July 31, 2019

saucy waffles

The saucy waffles are a group of people in every school that are inseparable and saucy. They are always together and have an amazing friendship.

Look! Here come the saucy waffles!

by Ang3l1n January 12, 2018

Prostate Waffle

Sexual act involving ones partner to shove a soggy eggo waffle up their partners ass, having them shit it out and eat it.

Yo you wanna go to my sisters place and have some prostate waffles?

by Prollynat December 8, 2019

pure waffle

saying stuff without meaning

5"5 guys bio on tinder: im 21, and6"3

girl sees him irl: bruh this is pure waffle

by keyboardsmashingsound January 12, 2023