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Generation Z

Okay, this is coming from a person born in this "Generation Z". Technically speaking, the exact time is the kids born post Soviet-Union, which the USSR fell in 1991. The Early 90's is the exact time-frame when the Internet was found, I remember in 1998, I goofed around on the internet and played games, when I was 3, I played Deer Hunter. I did a project on the 90s in my fashion class, so I know what happened, for some reason. Lurkers, might I suggest this, there is a difference between the GenZers from the 90s and one from 00s.

People born in Gen Z, the oldest part of the generation, according to astrology, have a Pluto in Scorpio, who share the same characteristics as Generation Y. Pluto in Scorpio lasted until 1995. The bulk of the Generation from 1996 (year my brother was born) and onward, have a Pluto in Sagittarius. The generation thing ended in 2010, during the timeframe when the economy totaled.

We are new to the world but we operate on computers well enough. We are difficult to understand because we just started out in the world. We will most likely repeat the events a few generations past. Thanks to the current generation and the recession fucking us over. Hell, we use the internet alot and we know a ton of facts.

I am Born in 1995 and I am proud. Honestly, these time frames are CONFUSING.

They say from 1995 onward is Generation Z. But this generation is new-ish, and there is an even newer generation now. By the time SOPA, PIPA. or ACTA passes, this will be a new generation to be named. But for now, I say let time pass and let us update Wikipedia regularly.

by Raptured Asylum February 6, 2012

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Generation Z

The most immature and laziest generation of kids born after 94.

Generation Zer: I think my parents owe me an IPAD.

by Crimson811 August 10, 2015

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Gen Z

The most redarded generation ever

"Gen Z is so stupid"

by wekky July 11, 2021

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Exploring the Z

v. 1) to smoke marijuana

2) to explore the 3rd dimension of reality

3) to travel beyond the conventional X & Y axis of life, into the Z axis

Jimmy and Janice went down to the basement to explore the Z.

They became Z Explorers at least once a week.

by C & C April 4, 2005

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the hottest 3 girls of life.

Did you see the SEC-z triangle today?

by shaayna May 8, 2005

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1. someone who either stalks you or knows everything about you, or possibly is you and you dont fucking know it

The author "z" copies my every idea name and philosophy. First of all i am z for "z sesh" second of all im fuckin norwegian to the max and he says shit about them and third he talks about albuquerque and hookah kings which is my second home how does he know everything about me unless he is me, he is a z-is-me.

by Eli Vigil and Z Sessions May 21, 2007

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Z Money

The biggest OC dealer around... Probably the biggest that ever lived. Can be found driving a white Yukon on 24's. Has tons of dough and knows how to use it.

Whoa... who was that driving past with all the girls?
Don't you know? It's Z money honey!

by twillip67 September 24, 2007

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