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Its go, it means move but in a shorter word maybe.

Nick: Hey wanna go to the mall?
Billy: No Thanks

by Sethilliano April 29, 2022


Move one place to another or to leave or depart

“I really must go

by Neon neck May 15, 2021


Go my ass do not know what that means wow your dumber than I thought

Go into my pussya

by One1246 May 6, 2020


Short spelling of IGOR - person or divinity who owns everything and everybody.

I am pregnant from IGOR. Now my son will be half god.

by Olimp June 1, 2020



A change from the active to the passive.

Dinosaurs went extinct millions of years ago." instead of "Dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago.

by Matti! Matti! Matti! June 10, 2011


dmv slang for a person being easy or known/a hoe.

friend 1: how ab layla she’s fine asf

friend 2: nahhhh i heard she go

friend 1: oh nvm ..

by e267 May 27, 2023


You fucking whore!

Go home! (meaning: Leave you fucking whore!)

by Gullible is Grace November 11, 2018