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Butt Buddy Withdrawal Syndrome (BBWS)

A sickness that occurs when one is apart from their butt buddy for more than three months. Symptoms include but are not limited to depression, tears, anger, nausea, insomnia, and explosive diarrhea.

Oh man, I haven't seen Sam in a while, I think I'm developing Butt Buddy Withdrawal Syndrome (BBWS), cause I blew up my toilet the other day

by Dewlong April 7, 2014

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suck my left butt- cheek

When annoyed, agitated or just messin wit someone who is on thier way to annoying you, it siply means "eff-off"

John: Hey Cathy What you wanna do tonight?
Cathy: Go away I don'e LIKE you.
John: You know what forget you.
Cathy: Fine then, Suck my left butt- cheek!

by Rara isbooyaa May 3, 2007

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Have your butt hurt

Misusing or get a wrong definition of a slang. The usual response to this phrase is "I thought it meant..."

Bob, have your butt hurt? I doubt you know what those slang words mean.

by TheEmprah April 6, 2010

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national suck my butt day

a national holiday to suck anyones ass

"yeah, today is national suck my butt day! can i eat your ass?"

by soniab123 April 3, 2021

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im gonna pillage ya butt

a common phrase which has sprung up in the sacramento region and has also spread to southern washington,which is always said with an australian accent.meaning to anally rape the person to whom its directed towards.It is believed that this phrase originated in sacramento when two friends were possibly under the influence in mid to late 2007

Mr. Montgomery said to his dear old pal Mr. Hanson "sir im gonna pillage ya butt and your gonna like it!"
and Mr. Hansons reply to Mr. Montgomery was "Nay, i shall love it!"

by Dylan Hanson February 10, 2008

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Butt fucking son of a goat fucker

Either a gay man whose father fucks goats or a straight man who favors anal sex whose father fucks goats. Usually reserved as an insult

JJ: Hey dude, your mom is really hot!
Hank: Fuck you, You Butt fucking son of a goat fucker!

by Rambler 2.0 January 3, 2007

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Cummy butt young bull

Its is equally some one who gets nutted on the butt .Adjective.

cummy butt

George: whats up parker...u a bitch.

Parker: but u a cummy butt young bull hahah no homo for me.

George: u gay

Parker: How?

by Kaison May 8, 2008

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