A basketball playing stoner. Constantly loses the competition to his enemy. Also needs a regular supply of tinfoil and gas! Known around the school as 4pf.Wiz or just Wiz.
Random Stoner: Aye Jack Morgan (Wiz), you got da pack on you?
Jack Morgan: Nahhh, I finna get a hit off of Henry's cart
Aidan Mosteller: Hey Wiz, want my tinfoil?
When you stick a car jack up your girl's vagina to stretch it out.
Last night, I was jacking her pussy out so much that I could fit a whole watermelon up there.
I’m not buying it. Not going for it
Doug said Mike won a million dollars last night playing lottery. Man he still lives with his mother I’m not Jacking that
to not be productive
My friend and I are having to study this weekend because we just jacked around the whole week.
A Ginger kid that is purely disrespectful and thinks he’s hard and goes by perksy plays and has a giant hole in his chest
a simple expression to say your are, of course, masturbating.
"Are y-you Jacking Your Stack?"
A guy who cut off the last portion of his name to prevent being indentified. He lives in Vermont while watching people.
He also created the It was I Dio on urban dictonary have a good day lads.
Hi my names Jack Leis
That's it what else did you expect