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A pussy or a vagina

Her cunt is so Sweet

by 13v31 one December 5, 2022


1) The only way to describe the best things and life.
2) What you should be calling all of your friends.

1) "Ugh, I love her so much she's so fucking cunt !!"
2) "Babe, you're a cunt, own it"

by larqahappy February 23, 2023


Its out of loveeeeeeeeee

OUUUUU yours such a cunt

by heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee June 17, 2023


A term used to insult an individual. May be used as a root word or a prefix.

Joe Schwarze is a fucking cuntbubble.

by haha Joe Schwarze. June 29, 2011


Vulgar name for women private parts but sometimes the best name to describe someone.

Have you heard about Sean cheating on his wife ? Yeah, what a cunt !

I thought he was a nice guy but turns out he is a cunt.

by Lalalakalallwhv September 29, 2020


A bitchy pussy.

That domineering bitch is a real cunt.

by No liberal PC horse hockey August 10, 2021


Basically a retarded piece of shit who just won't stop being a friggin pagan asshole constantly annoying the living shit out of others thinking he's/she's the most important (un)holy fucking deity on the planet.
Commonly used for obsessive toxic retards on the internet, or to refer to Jake Paul.

Person 1: *insults Johnny Depp and sides with Amber Heard*
The entirety of the online community: "Shut the fuck up you cunt"

by Anonymous_Unknown_42 February 4, 2021