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nigga balls

nigga balls a larger variant of balls

nigga ballshey that white person has smaller balls than the nigga

by bigfathotballs September 8, 2022

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nigga balls

The testicles of a black man.

She just had nigga balls in her mouth

by niggerconnoisseur January 15, 2022

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Nigga balls

An individual in society who is perceived as an inferior dark-skinned human species, that is in possession of ball sacks just as dark as their outer appearance

β€˜Hey, who has nigga balls’ person 1
β€˜Black people have nigga balls just like my friend Emmanuel’ person 2

by Shush101 June 13, 2024

nigga balls

Nigga's balls

i want to suck nigga balls

by brahbrah01 April 6, 2023

Nigga balls

black balls that hang super low to where you can see them out of the bottom of their pants and they have really long dark thick hair

"dude did you see the new kid has nigga balls*

by Bigbuttniggaballs January 19, 2025

Nigga balls

The biggest nigger balls they are sooooo big and black they will slap you across your face

I have nigga balls

by Hdjsvsndbndbd February 17, 2022

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nigga balls

phrase used to describe a black persons baLLS SINCE NIGGEWers have a big cock that can destroy your white little pussy

the nigga got some big balls come here nigga balls

by ihateniggerz12346553625 January 26, 2023