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poose hole

The correct term for a woman's vagina.

Man - Hey gorgeous, can I touch you're poose hole?
Woman - Yeah, feel free.

by elzymilz September 24, 2009

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this term, regularly used to describe berks county natives who consume excessive quantities of peanut butter.

What kind of phil-hole puts an empty jar of peanut butter back in the pantry?

by capafl0wne August 7, 2012

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fishy hole

Common term to describe both the smell and shape of female genitalia

I would have porked her only her fishy hole was minging

by Steve M March 22, 2003

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lager hole

n. Rugby expression for a large gap through which one can run with the ball. The term has its roots in heavy drinking, as does rugby itself.


Here now boyo. Wobble yer head a bit see, to throw them off kilter, and then plough up the lager hole.

I say. Spliffing idea old chap.

You're not English are you? It's Welsh we are. We hate the tommies.

Rather not my good fellow. Leeks rule! Etc.

by gnostic 1 December 20, 2012

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art hole

A small, independently operated performance space, usually one converted from a place originally intended for another purpose (a storefront, garage, or basement, e.g.)

The White Stripes began their career by playing in the art holes of NYC's Lower East Side.

by Tom Tenney June 13, 2008

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Murder Hole

A security function used in medieval castles where defenders can rain arrows or stones at invaders in hopes of thinning their numbers.

Castles and Palaces are two different things, a palace is the home of a monarch or lord, meanwhile a castle is a defensive fort to house the monarch or lord. Murder Holes would be uncommon in palaces (unless a monarch was particularly paranoid) but are in almost every castle.

by Warmongerer October 10, 2008

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Demon Hole

Slang for a woman's asshole. Used especially when referencing anal sex.

I'ld like to slam her in her demon hole.

I'd pound the demon hole 'til the sun stops shining

by Sketchtool August 14, 2009

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