Source Code

October 23

National nut tap day! You Have to meet your friends with a good ole nut tap!

Hey buddy you better hold your weiner because today’s October 23.

by Clapperofthecheeks October 23, 2019

october 23

Official vsco day

This day u gotta be vsco girl/boii/whaterer just vsco! wear a big shirt, clamps, scrunchies and bring a hydroflask, if u have one. btw, save the turtles sksksksk and I oop- and spill the tea sisss 💮🐢🐤🐄

Someone: Ay why are u lookin like a vsco 'girl'?
You: bruh, it's october 23th, its vsco day!
Someone: ohhh yeaaah, and I oop- sksksksk

by Bruh.Moment October 22, 2019

October 23

National boyfriend hold their girlfriends hand day!! A day where you hold your girlfriends hand because that’s the boyfriends job!

Bro it’s October 23! Go hold your girlfriends hand!

by I’m your father October 22, 2019

October 23

The day you slap your shortest friend

Jimmy it’s October 23 you know what that means

Oh no

by Hdjdjdnrb October 22, 2019

october 23

on october 23 girls give any boy a scrunchie ;)

girl: hey guys name come here!
guy: what’s up
girl: here’s a scrunchie ;) because it’s october 23

by wh0re4harry October 23, 2019

October 23

It’s October 23 and it is time to slap your shortest friend day

Oh look there my shortest friend let me just slap em and run!!
October 23 slap em and run

by Thatsdopedude October 23, 2019

October 23

Give your crush a kiss day

Hey bro it’s October 23 you have to go Give your crush a kiss! Because it’s Give your crush a kiss day.

by Vscogirrrrl October 23, 2019