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Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Hey man, Hot Damn! who the hell are we?

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

by ฮฃAE- big daddy D October 29, 2008

139๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Founded in 1856 at the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa 8 young men founded Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Known as one of the oldest fraternities in the United States, the still hold strong beliefs and high ideals based on The True Gentleman. In otherwords, they're a pretty tight group of guys.

Man those guys from Sigma Alpha Epsilon are pretty awesome at WCU.

by gitteriphone May 23, 2006

709๐Ÿ‘ 586๐Ÿ‘Ž

sigma alpha epsilon

A fraternity that is very diverse.

San Jose State chapter of sigma alpha epsilon

by DankfromSJ January 31, 2008

198๐Ÿ‘ 152๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alpha Gamma Rho

Quite possibly the best fraternity in the United states. AGR has the best parties, the best brothers and gets the finest ladies. All criticism directed towards Alpha Gamma Rho is pure jealousy.

Girl 1: Hey are you going to that Pike party tonight?
Girl 2: Hell no, I don't want to watch a bunch of guys have an orgy, I am going to alpha gamma rho for a good time!

by Eleanor Champison May 19, 2008

200๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chi Alpha Tau

A TRUE female frat boy. When you see XAT letters it means respect. Will thrown down harder then you, drink more then you, kick you ass in beer pong, or just kick you ass entirely while still being hot. Has an uncanny ability to party harder then anyone the previous night, wake up unphased, and somehow the next day ace a test. If you ever date one hold on to her: because you will have your best friend and girlfriend in one.
Guy 1: Oh man I just meet this awesome girl who killed me in pong. I don't know whether to hit on her or bring her to Guy's Night. Do you know who she is?

Guy 2: Probably a Chi Alpha Tau girl.

Guy 1: Oh man I just meet this awesome girl who killed me in pong. I don't know whether to hit on her or bring her to Guy's Night. Do you know who she is?

Guy 2: Probably a Chi Alpha Tau girl.

by naddaboo February 26, 2008

32๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kappa Alpha Theta

the hottest, smartest, classiest group of girls. we have the most sisterhood, ritual and the most fun!

If I could only date a girl from kappa alpha theta...

by Theta's Chi November 11, 2007

704๐Ÿ‘ 584๐Ÿ‘Ž

Phi Iota Alpha

Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is a brotherhood composed of undergraduate, graduate, and professional men internationally, established on December 26th 1931. Phi Iota Alpha is the Oldest Latino Fraternity in Existence.
As a Latino Fraternity whose roots stem back to the late 1800's, they cherish and live by the ideals set forth by their forefathers. In this manner, Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity distinguishes itself from other Greek lettered organizations. This organization prides itself in the ability to motivate people, develop leaders, and create new ways to unite our community. Each member swears loyalty not only to himself but also to a greater cause, his people and Latin America.

See also Fiota

Person1: "What is the name of the oldest Latino Fraternity in existence?"
Person2: "Oh thats Phi Iota Alpha"

by 1931 April 6, 2009

81๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž