a slimy mixture of cum and vanilla ice cream that leaks out of a woman's vagina after at least a 20 minute session of sex.
Ed: Dude i banged my girlfriend and she made a banana smoothy!
Chris: Did you save me some?
Male version of a bikini line...
“When I put on my new speedo I quickly realized I forgot to tidy up my banana line”
A recently ejaculated half flaccid penis removed from a condom.
After bob removed his penis, he asked if i wanted a goopy banana for desert.
the god of fun and fruit and has never turns down a good time with freinds and hot chicks.
damn, banana jesus gots the moves!!
When a man is engaging in intercourse and his penis loses it's erection and rapidly softens.
The date went really well, but when we got back to my place he got all bashful banana on me.
The creepy eye contact made when someone looks at you with a mouth full of banana
Which then turns into the childish grin becuase it looks like they are sucking cock
I keep getting the banana look from Tara, she needs to stop...
1. Someone taking psychiatric medication. 2. A psychiatric patient.
He had some sort of breakdown and is now on a bunch of meds. Yeah, a real laced banana.