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Barrel chested man and bulldogge

Joanne, i said dont look this up!

My couch is deep enough for a barrel chested man and bulldogge, unlike Joanne and Darlene's, which is a 3 boy deep.

by RStantnick July 11, 2021

Gum Barrel

A better way to say mouth and can mean throat as well.

damn girl let me put my millimeter peter in yo gum barrel

by water my gum barrel January 28, 2019

empty barrel

Similar to the term 'empty suit' used in business circles, it refers to anyone who has a position of seeming importance and looks the part, but is actually ineffectual, incomptent, or stupid. Looks good on the outside but no content or substance.

Q: What do you think of the new congressman?

A: Not much-- mostly just an empty barrel, that one.

by Hundo-1 October 20, 2017

Empty Barrel

Race baiting Baffoon usually dressed like a rodeo clown!

Fredrica talks so much shit! You would think that Empty Barrell was a politician if it wasn't for that ridiculous $2 outfit she's wearing.

by Oppressed cracker October 24, 2017

empty barrel

An accurate term describing how uneducated loud-mouths sound when they speak about topics they know nothing about. People often labeled as such will cry racism, rather than believe they could possibly be both inarticulate and incorrect. Ant. - woke, smart

That Congresswoman is such an empty barrel; always talking like her clueless ass actually knows something.

by Yankees 2nd Baseman October 20, 2017

Egg Sandwich at Cracker Barrel

when a twink lets two men dominate him from the mouth and rear in a cracker barrel bathroom.

I had an egg sandwich at Cracker Barrel

by gabe atol May 22, 2022

Double Barrel Shooter

When a girl wears tight jeans and shoots a fart. Fart rolls up the jeans into her coochie and she shoots it back out again.

That double barrel shooter tickled!

by Ashjeane March 4, 2023