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Ok boomer

If a old Pearson is telling you to get if your phone or say they remember going outside because they didn’t have phone you say ok boomer

Old man: you know back in my day we had books


Old man: .......

by Yeetus the featus November 13, 2019

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ok boomer

A phrase used to discredit or silence baby boomers for their ignorant opinions
Recently called a β€œslur” by baby boomers

Can also be used for anyone not a boomer who also represents ignorant opinions

Baby Boomer: disgustingly ignorant opinion under a post having nothing to do with said opinion

Any human being with common sense: ok boomer

by notaboomeronlyalizard November 25, 2019

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Ok Boomer

When a dumbass Baby Boomer says some stupid shit about young people and what they do. This phrase is used to shut any boomers ass up. Especially when they say β€œback in my day”. Ok boomer is an easy way to diss Old shit heads and it is a simple way to tell old people to fuck off.

Boomer: Kids nowadays are so allergic back in my day we just ate bees and wiped our asses with poison ivy.
Gen-z/Millenial - OK BOOMER

by JohnWick69420911 November 27, 2019

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Ok boomer

When you’ve been telling your boomer mother for three years about Jeffery Epstein’s plane rides with Bill Clinton, and she calls you mentally ill and alt right.

Then it all comes out of one of her favorite boomer mainstream anchor’s mouths... I share that video with her..... and she calls me mentally ill and alt right.

Ok, boomer.

Every rape allegation about Bill Clinton is a vast right wing conspiracy and 9/11 happened exactly the way they said, DONT be one of those conspiracy theory guys.

Ok boomer

by TheBoomerGuillotine November 9, 2019

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Ok boomer

Mostly Used for ppl named KAREN😀

Karen: Don’t touch that and SIT DOWN
us: OK boomer

by F// me on instagram @m.bxbyyy November 24, 2019

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ok boomer

"OK Boomer" is a slang that young adults/teens/children use to stick up to narrow-minded, no-good adults. Say this to a mexican mom and you'll get killed. Karen's are most ideal though.

Mom: Sweetie, you didn't finish your homework! I'm going to the PTA; I'm bringing cookies aswell! Just text me when your done with homework though.

White Child: ok boomer
Mom: Honey, what? "OK Boomer" what is such a horrendous racial slur you disgraced your mother with?
White Child: ok boomer

by GirlonTheInternet :) December 5, 2019

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Ok boomer

A sentence millenialls and gen z kids say to a boomer complaining about them to disrespect them.

Boomer: Kids these days are always on electronics.

by lol boomer November 26, 2019

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