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cold pack

A twelve pack of any type of beer.

Origins unknown, in common usage on the Blackfeet Reservation.

Hey cousin, pick up a cold pack of beer when you're in there!

Let's grab a cold pack and head out to the swimming hole.

by GOWYO August 16, 2006

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tits cold

when its so cold, you could fit your nuts through the eye of a needle

its fuckin' tits cold out here

by rayrodrey February 26, 2003

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cold busted

To get caught doing something you shouldn't while you are convicted of said act to 100% certainty. Usually by your trifling girlfriend.

"Yo. My girl walked in on me fingering her sister's ass. Tried to tell her it wasn't me."
"Dawg you got Cold Busted!"

by Lurchthrilla June 28, 2006

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Cold Clit

-The female version of being "blue balled"
-When a girl gets sexually excited and is abruptly cut-off and unable to reach orgasm
-A person who "chills" a girls clit would be considered a Clit-Freezer

-When a girl the female version of "cock blocked"

"I was totally with this guy last night and things were really hot, when all of a sudden he just busted and he totally chilled my clit"

"I have a bad case of cold clit, my boyfriend came early last night, SUCKS!"

"Me and my boyfriend where going at it last night, when his roommate walked in a totally clit blocked me, like come on, really?"

by STEAKLAHLZ January 24, 2010

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cold spots

The areas of a pillow that seem to have cooler parts as compared to other areas of that same pillow. First coined by an educated scholar simply refered to as "Owen"

I love when I turn over my pillow and nestle my face in all of these cold spots

by Owenman November 8, 2007

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A cold dildo

Anything physically or socially uncomfortable.

Christmas this dinner this year was a cold dildo.

by NoMyth December 25, 2015

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cold dipping

When a group of guys see who can hold his genitals in a glass of ice water the longest.

Girl #1: Where are the boys?
Girl #2: Oh God. They went into the kitchen for a round of cold dipping; Lex claims he's the world champion or something.

by duboce December 24, 2008

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