God's cotton. Is the most potent Danky dank of the dankiest of dank.
This sativa strain is only grown in Mooresville IN
Friend:Hey man wanna get some gods cotton?
Bruh: nah bro I was nodding out on that bud besides I got more right here
Friend: you didn't smoke it all?
Bruh: impossible nobody can smoke that much not even god himself
Friend: ....
Bruh: well maybe..
Friend: only one way to find out
(Conclusion: they took one toke and passed out)
The state of having a tampon stuck in your vagina canal because it is too dry.
“Yo what took you so long in the bathroom?”
“I cant get my tampon out. I think I have cotton cooch”
When a male takes his own or someone else's feces and smushes it between two pillows and proceeds to fuck the crevice between the two pillows where the smushed feces is spread properly. The feces provides the erect male with warmth and mild lubrication so the pillows will not chafe the skin on the penis. In some cultures it is acceptable for the sole participant in this activity to ingest the remains of the feces and whatever other material may have entered the space between the two pillows.
Oh my God! That shit was the perfect consistency. I haven't had a slimey cotton janking like THAT in ages!!
When someone who is talking to people or dating people only prefers the whitest of white girls.
My friend Jon was on tinder the other, dude is cotton picking everyone .
An extremely sexy man
also known as MR SWARVE
Ethan Cotton just fucked ur mum
An ethan cotton kid is a fatass that walks around like a melted ice-cream. He rarely does exercise but runs when he smells food.
Bro i'm getting high cholesterol from looking at that Ethan cotton kid
Are you ready to get things done fast. Referencing how fast "Negro slaves" worked in cotton fields. So fast that they would cause enough friction to create a combustion of the cotton.
hey guys! Are you ready to burn some cotton?