True inner gangster.
Just another word for thug basically.
let me stab this kid so I can see his true inner gangster blood.
A person who rolls up complaining about something, raising up, and once confronted, starts crying… in other words, throwing up a gang sign in one hand and a pacifier in the other!
Look at that Gangster Cry baby trying to throw somebody under the bus!
The worst SoundCloud rapper in history
Damn you heard of gangster Grantz his garbage
The gangster lords also know as MGL or maniac Gangsta s. are a street gang located in Florida's central end. The sport the color's - red orange green sometimes black - symbols-7 - PYRAMID - PITCH FORK - FIVE POINT STAR - 3.
AMGL is normally nun threatening but have gotten and will get dangerous over money and respect.
Keep a look out dangerous / but good people
A street gang or family of work
I seen a almighty gangster lords with A GD WTF
Cus if u diint i ma have to dick you DO *bang* WN ON S *bang* OME GANGSTA *bang* SHIII mom gettin hit DIFF gangster shit
It is a catchphrase made by Syafinaz Binte Zainal.
Ewww KL Gangster 2 lol