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pocket gender

Pocket Gender is identities that one or more people have.

My significant other is BXY. bxy is under the umbrella of pocket gender meaning the person identifies as a boy, agender or no gender.

by zippie066606 November 27, 2022

Gender Sloth

The inability or incapability to conform to a gender binary.

No James, I don't have pronouns I have Gender Sloth lol.

by SkytheBi March 11, 2021

Opposite Gender November

Opposite gender November is when everyone switches gender, boy=girl girl=boy non-binary=both genders

"Did you know it Opposite Gender November, Ralph" - Donald
"Oh shit we are gonna have to be girls" -Ralph

by asan urnsigo October 27, 2020

3th gender

In Japan back in the samurai time male and female samurais had rape kids of their gender this is a old term for a person who is Japanese or non-Japanese boy or girl even now that had got rape or is getting rape by someone of their sex. The rape victim has to be of the ages 10-20 and it can be by lots of people from there sex or one human but could not be by someone from the opposite sex.
This word came from back in the day we're adolescents starting at age 10 working for samurais they had to walk in the house until they was the age of 21 once they were 21 they work in the fields.the male and female samurais did get lonely and believe they are gay and the children are from a 3th gender making

the young workers get rape and it still happens now.
Another word for this is dishwasher.

Japan has a 3th gender and it's ugly.

by 459395 February 17, 2022

scientific gender

A scientific gender is a person's actual gender, not the gender they identify as. This gender is based on physical features of the reproductive system.

person 1: hey!
person 2: oh hey man whats up!
person 1: E X C U S E M E
person 2: what
person 1: i identify as female!
person 2: oh sorry i was referring to your scientific gender

by poopybuttp January 14, 2020

intermediary gender

Non-endosex person.

Intermediary gender.

by Ciliota January 30, 2025

Gender roles

It's either Traditional Men vs Traditional Women OR It's Women do whatever they want vs Fuckboy/Relationshipguy/incel as arbitrated by women.

Hym "There can be not dissolution of gender roles if there is no sexual equity."

by Hym Iam May 25, 2024