When two of your exes begin dating each other. Famous for originally happening to Mako in the Legend of Korra, as well as Finn in Adventure Time.
Finn: Princess Bubblegum and Marceline just started going out.
Jake: You're totally getting Mako'd!
A phrase that must be screamed when in the presence of a nasty motherfucker or when someone needs to take a shower.
Michele was in the presence of a nasty sonofawhore motherfucker who smelled like a mix between fromunacheese and fermented anal sweat so she exclaimed "GET A RAG YOU SONOFAWHORE"
Engaging in the act of sexual intercourse
Me and my girl were getting sticky last night
When a guy gets led on by a massive thot and then she tells him she didn’t like him after 4 dates.
Did you hear about Big Tom and Colt? They are getting frankied so hard.
when you and your friends are arguing over what pizza to get, you, in the middle of the arguement, scream, "FUCK ALL OF YOU, WERE GETTING HAWIIAN!" "hawiian is the least prefered.
person 1 "i want sausage!"
person 2 "no! were getting pepperoni!"
When you instantly and unexpectedly get fucked over.
Wow, Jake just dropped his phone in the sewer lol. Get cucked.
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