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If You know this person you are likely to have been blown across the channel from their constant farts and gagging like they have just swallowed a whole Glazed Ham.

Yeah I went to say hello to greg but he ripped ass and i ended up in France

by knoboracle March 12, 2024


Bitch nigger

Greg is a bitch nigger

by Calling out you April 12, 2018


The opposite of a Stan; a person who is mildly interested in a piece of media, and will occasionally participate in the fandom.

"Darth Maul? Who's that? I'm a bit of a Greg with Star Wars, sorry..

by Snek147 February 24, 2022



Greg's a snake

by leah headass March 7, 2018


The fastest growing army on YouTube!

...don’t look that up

Friend: what’s Greg?
Greg: the fastest growing army on YouTube

Friend: really?
Greg: Yeah, the Gregs are the fastest

by Gregsarethebest February 23, 2019


NOT a cult greg is a army and not a cult or mabye HAHAHAHAHAHAHA U WILL NEVER KNOW UwU

Greg is a cult probobly wait where am i- -le dies-

by Greg is a cult lol February 1, 2021


The fastest growing army on youtube, don't look that up

I'm a member of Greg, the fastest growing army on youtube

by Cheemsony March 9, 2023