Taking a selfie with another person.
(When at a red light, duck lips leans into bitch face to join her selfie)
"OMG! we just took the best with-someone-elsie!"
(The local corner hobo proceeds to drop his pants and piss on both of them through there open car window.)
to fortnite some is to eat their ass while the person is playing forenite
have you fortnite someone yet?
To Nora someone is to go into a bathroom where someone is peeing, open the door and sit on a toilet in front of the door and start peeing too.
Person1" she's peeing you should nora her"
Person2 "I'm not going to nora her "
Person1" you haven't nora'd someone in ages"
Person2" noraing has got a bad rep"
Person1" just nora her"
Person2" fine ill nora her"
Person1" yeah noraing someone is fun"
This is colloquial language used to express that someone has snitched or betrayed you.
He put someone in torn, that's why he got into trouble.
It means I actually love you, especially if your name is Adam and your Turkish
it is you who is someone that is named someone and that is actually your friend who is you.
someone named someone