That asshat who views every car in the merge lane as a challenge
See also: middle aged men with something to prove
The dude in that volvo is being a real left lane hero by trying to run me off the road
We have been watching and studying whales for over 4 decades now at Whale Watchers and we have now discovered the largest recorded whale which is known as 'Will Lane'. In our official studies, we will be referring to this large specimen as Will Lane to separate him from other whales as he is several times larger than the average whale. If we were to use words to describe Will Lane we would use big, large, meaty, fat, overweight, plump, heavy, morbidly obese, gross, chunky, chubby and to sum it all up 'comically large'. Will Lane has been spotted on the coasts of Brisbane in the Pacific Ocean.
1. 'Will Lane' is comically large.
2. This rare specimen is called 'Will Lane'
When you go into a bathroom to take a leak and all the sudden you have to take a shit and move from the urinal to a stall.
Man, yesterday I was at the urinal taking a piss and my stomach got all tore up and I had to take a shit . I had to zip up and hit the stall.
Oh, so you did a bathroom lane change.
Lanee Perry is a very beautiful, and a kind hearted person.
She stands by what she cares, and loves. She’s very energetic and clumsy. And she knows how to make you laugh when your upset. She will stick with you through your good and bad days. If you come across a Lanee I suggest stay and get to know her
I have a friend named Lanee Perry. Bro she’s the best!
Yes she is!
Lane D’arcy is the best person I’ve ever met. He keeps to himself and treats you as if you’re the only person in the world. Though he gets easily jealous, he is easy to love.
Have you met Lane D’arcy? He’s a great friend
Lane is the best person ever. He’s super attractive. He’s not a people person so it means a lot when he’s your friend. Lane has an awesome sense of humor. He’s the man. He’s a great listener and he’s respectful. He’ll hype you up when you’re gaming.
“Lane D’Arcy seems quiet”
“Yeah he keeps to himself”
Home of Cougar Lane Inc. The greatest smoke spot in the south.
ay bruh. you wanna role up to Cougar Lane?
hell yea