Source Code

Back- log

'Back- log', refers to the amount of time that you have not masturbated for and so you have a 'Back- log' because eventually it will all come out. :)

Chris: Oh dude, i'm hating this holiday - a whole week of Back- log

Simon: Yeah, tell me about it, i'm gonna have a huge one when i get home

by asdqwezxc August 4, 2011

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Ants on a Log

When a woman is preforming felatio on a man , the man removes his penis from her mouth. He then stacks deepfried Twinkies on his log-like penis. The woman precedes to devour all of the Twinkies with great speed, giving her severe diarrhea. The man then ejaculates into the pile of feces, and takes it in his right hand and procedes to hit the woman in the face.

"I gave that girl Ants on a Log boyyy" - Man

by BSV October 13, 2015

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Log Floom

A Log Floom is when a guy is bent over and girl/guy from behind sucks his dick. Since his dick his under his ass he takes a shit. The shit slides down his dick into his/her mouth.

**~_Log Floom_~**
*Guy bends over forward.
*He takes his dick and pushes it under his ass
*The girl/guy takes it and starts sucking on it from behind him.
*While the girl/guy is sucking on the dick, the guy who is getting his dick sucked starts to take a shit.
*The shit slides down his dick into the girl/guy's mouth

by Siegem August 21, 2008

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Cutting the log

After taking a big shit thats very lengthy then stand up and peeing on it trying to cut it in half. From South Park

Kenneth tried to cutting the log but failed.

by BigHardDump June 7, 2012

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log jam

When your trying to poop and it gets stuck in the hole. (Constipation)

"I tried to let 'er go but i had a log jam"

by jordan b November 19, 2003

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log splitter

peircing that bridges the two butt cheeks, splitting the turd as one poops.

Dear sir, is that a log splitter in the crack of your hiney?

by turd masher July 3, 2006

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log on the fire

When you meet a drunk girl at a bar or club and you go back to her room for a one night stand, after you have sex with her and she passes out, you shit in her panties so when she wakes up in the morning itching herself she thinks she shit herself.

Ian took that girl home and gave her a log on the fire.

by AintTelin August 25, 2006

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