When your parents take away Netflix and you slowly start going insane. You may experience mood swings, sudden rage, depression, chills, hallucinations, or death. Recommended course of treatment is immediate restoration of Netflix subscription through any means necessary.
I refused to give up my phone yesterday and so my Netflix privileges were revoked. Now I am experiencing Netflix Withdrawal.
When something looks or behave in one way according to the original plot/story/book/history or game they come from but when Netflix reached them they totally ruined their character/look , and essentially all
Ex in witcher(most recent i have seen)
My gf: Have u seen her
Me: Who
Her: Ciri
Me: That girl. is CIRI?
Her: Yes
Basically they netflixed her
Ex2 in vikings or other history related books when they also netflixed something
In vikings valhalla queen of Kattegat is black, i mean no offense , BUT THIS IS HISTORY RELATED FFS, and we all know that Black Ppl were not seen quite good longer ago neither good positions
watching netflix and destroying pussy
maddy likes to netflix and destroy
A play on the saying, “Netflix and Chill”, referring to sex. In this case referring to unprotect raw sex.
Also for those less sexually inclined… WWE RAW was released on Netflix on January 6, 2025 thus having the second meaning of watching WWE RAW on Netflix.
but hey, WHY NOT BOTH ;)
randy: “wanna come over and netflix and raw?”
stephanie: “ummmm, in which way…”
The action of watching a serie on Netflix while you're eating
"Let's do a Netflix and eat
Actually having sex...not planning or talking about it. Doing it!
Phone Rings I'm just in the middle of netflixing and chilling can we chat later?
How was netflixing and chilling for you?
I had the best time nextflixing and chilling with you last night!
Just like the conventional ''Netflix and chill'' but will a BBW.
''I've invited Paige around for some Netflix and chill'' said Shaun. ''But bro she's a whale, don't you mean Netflix and krill? ''.