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what white folks called blacks during slavery

was used against them and the word is still being used by those racist ass Karens till this day

massa-go pick the cotton you nigger

by youtubeandattendnces June 11, 2022

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Substituting the word "kidding"

Tom: the tickets are sold out
Shanaynay: WHAT?!? Are you niggering me?!?

by PimpinButterfly October 10, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


Used as a slightly vulgar and slightly sarcastic term of endearment, usable by and subjectable to people of any race.

Nigger is about 70% buddy and 30% motherfucker.

1. How do you prove your point?
2. I dont prove anything nigger. It's my opinion.

by Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini May 15, 2014

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A word with very loaded connotations in the USA, mainly due to the fact that it was coined during the time of slavery - and can you imagine having zero rights and having a curse word made out of the skin you wear twenty four hours a day every fucking day for your entire life?
There is a division among black people about the word nowadays. Many are using it themselves in an effort to reclaim the word and change its meaning to something of a black term of endearment, but many others would prefer to put it to rest and move on.
To those who complain about the word "cracker;" your poor little wounded feelings are nothing compared to a day in the life of a black person. You do not run the risk of being arrested for buying something expensive because the shop owner thinks you stole the money to buy it, shot for holding a toy gun or wearing a hoodie, arrested for walking while black and being kept in jail so long that you miss your first term of college and lose your scholarship, etc., etc., etc. And if you don't think that African Americans face these things, drink your milk and go take your nap. I'm talking to the big kids.

"Don't you niggers read signs? This is a whites-only establishment!"
"I'm gonna kill you, nigger..."

It's actually perfectly normal for there to be a standard of who can use words and who can't:

Mom: "Hi honey-bunny!"
Me: "Hi Mom!"
Stranger: "Hi honey-bunny!"
Me: *creeped out stare*
Stranger: "Aw come on, how come your mom can say it and I can't?"

by Mary D. Sue January 20, 2015

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A Non-Racist term I use to discribe a person of any type of racial hatred, or in general to discribe someone who really dont understand the true meaning of nigger and is to ignorant to look it up.

"That damn redneck Niggerant F*#K! He really is a nigger!"

A racist person is igorant to his own niggerance!

by BigUnit78m November 23, 2010

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The act of going ham

I am niggering!!!

by Versed Solar April 11, 2015

4๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

nigger nigger chicken dinner

A term referring to the fact that nigger's love chicken.

John: "Look, another nigger eating chicken."
Jeff: "Nigger nigger chicken dinner."

by the Master Hater April 16, 2009

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