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Migger Merm Gorilla Dolphin Puppet Fucking Thunder Cunt

1) (n.) A descendent from a genetic engineer born in Norway, Sweden, or Finland who fornicates while guiding the strings of a puppet to make him/her do the hamster dance.

2. (adj.) The act of speaking to โ€œsaidโ€, genetic engineer from Norway, Sweden, or Finland while swinging the hammer of Thor the God of Thunder and while doing so singing the Macarena to your pet hamster.

this migger merm gorilla dolphin puppet fucking thunder cunt is not gonna pay me money cause he is a bitch

by Ralph Knowlton & Romen Harper October 7, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

SYNONYMS: chokin' the chicken, spanking the monkey, flogging the dolphin, beating off, jackin' off, buffing the banana, wanking off, playing with yourself, tootin' your horn, fighting the purple helmet warrior, rubbing the one-eyed snake, commiting spermi

Some neurosurgeon posted a definition for masturbate with a bunch of synonyms and decided it would be a good idea to make them all one big link, which is how you got here to this page. Here's to that genius.

I hope that person catches AIDS from masturbating.

SYNONYMS: chokin' the chicken, spanking the monkey, flogging the dolphin, beating off, jackin' off, buffing the banana, wanking off, playing with yourself, tootin' your horn, fighting the purple helmet warrior, rubbing the one-eyed snake, commiting spermicide, taking your turn at the self-serve station, fishing with your zipper trout, beating the shit out of your midget friend, makin' mayo, polishing the family jewels, test-firing the old meat missle, wrapping the hand around the penis and moving it in a thrusting movement.

by Catamount July 11, 2008

200๐Ÿ‘ 144๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dolphins eyelid

Another way to describe the female genitaliea.

I can smell that girls Dolphins eyelid from a mile away, STANKY.

by RyGuy2022 August 28, 2015

jasper dolphin

member of the amazing group ofwgkta hes dope asf
not even a rapper
sick ass dude though ong

person1: dude did you hear *jasper dolphin* on the new ofwgkta song??

person2: i heard hes only on the beat to make his rocks grow faster...

person3: well i mean he has a tv show so ig hes kinda a actor

by ayooochrz April 15, 2023

SACS Dolphins

A waterpolo team assembled by the gods them self, bought together by destiny. Usually have a monster cock and pull all the ladies. Enjoy excessive partying and blacking out. They are believed to have Mediterranean tans and huge biceps.

Guy 1 : why does that guy have a monster dong?
Guy 2 : I don't know, probably a SACS Dolphins

Guy 1 : that guy is always drunk and he always has girls hanging off him, how does he do it?
Guy 2 : dude, he is SACS Dolphin duh!!!

by the crippler1 April 29, 2011

Dolphin Blanket

Another word for condom used after the act of sex has been ensued and may or may not at this point be of any use.

We had been having sex and I was in mid-cum when she asked me to put on the condom. At this point it was nothing more than a Dolphin Blanket.

by Dolphinquilt November 6, 2010

Dolphin Tail

Similar to downhill skiing, a girl grabs a genital on both sides of her and preceds to jerk them of like she was skiing. The dolphin tail Is the same thing but she adds her feet into it so sheโ€™s jerking another dude off with her feet.

Dude! Last night me, Billy, and Leroy had this girl doing the dolphin tail on us. It was so sexy we all nutted whithin 2 minuets.

by OfficiallyRealFunny March 29, 2018