Aggressively biting off your op’s penis
Bout to give this man a rim ting ong
1) To engage in sexual intercourse with a woman, verb form of sex, to smash/pipe/fucc, Grease = verb form of sex, Dat Ting= The Woman of reference
1. Did you grease dat ting last night?
Your main girl who you can be seen in public with, but if yo side ting walks by you act like you don’t know her
Travis: “Yo are you guys dating?”
Jackson: “No vro, she just my main ting.”
an indians pronunciation of "dirty thing" usually said when an indian dude spots a fine hunk of ass and likes what he sees.
Muhammad: ayyy look at dat dutty ting!!! *whistles and blows kiss*
Advik: dam bro u think she hot?
Muhammad: haaan~ (yes)
Puberty. Hair. 9gag. Long. Will choke on air if left alone. Learns ballet. 11/10 would f*ck. Pays for HD version of life. Lack of moobs. Cheeky motherf*cker. Player. Secondary sexual characteristics have yet to develop. Likes Moon Moon.
Yong Ting: "Roses are red, Violets are blue"
Karen: "No Yong Ting ffs violets are violet"